The Vision of Frontline Ministries International

Frontline Ministries International (FMI) is an international mission organization based in Northeastern Ohio, USA; a 501(c) 3 non-profit.

Since 1995, with Jesus first, Frontline has walked out the Great Commission, ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:18-20 “And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Frontline has preached and released the Gospel of the Kingdom regionally, nationally, and in over 21 nations. FMI embraces Luke 4:18-19 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” continue
icon-heart Ministries

We highly value healthy relationships, personal and corporate revival, and radical reformation. Encountering the Lord and following Him wholeheartedly are our highest priorities. Learn about our local church, worship and prayer gatherings, training and outreach opportunities, and how to experience His presence living in covenant with other believers.

icon-globe Missions

We are passionate about taking the powerful love of the Gospel of the Kingdom to the ends of the earth. The Lord is raising up a new breed of missionary and is calling radical believers as forerunners to make disciples of all nations. Discover how Frontline is impacting the regions of the world, and how you can be involved.

icon-microphone Media

Transformed lives will strategically influence all realms of society. Resources to clearly communicate the heart of the Lord are essential for personal growth as well as world evangelism. Find weekly messages on podcast, inspirational music, photos, and videos, and additional effective tools that will help you exalt the name of Jesus.

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| May 12, 2006

My newest cousin, Sawyer, arrived today–May 12th–although his due date is not until the beginning of September. He is only a little larger than a pound and a half and […]

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| Jun 23, 2006

Sawyer was a premature baby, arriving at only 24 weeks (he was due at the beginning of September and arrived in the middle of May). On Tuesday, the doctors called […]

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| Sep 15, 2006

Last summer in 2006, I went to FWC on I believe it was a Sunday night.  I had recently been experiencing pains near and around the areas of my appendix. […]

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| Apr 26, 2007

On March 11, 2007 I went to the mall to buy some jeans. I was being checked out and the other coworker asked the lady cking me out if she […]

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| Apr 28, 2007

Well I had this pain in the left side of my chest along the sternum. I had been having it for about 2 months. It wasn’t too bad unless I […]

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| May 3, 2007

At work about a week and a half ago a co-worker stated she had a pounding headache for the past three days. In conversation I told her may your headache […]

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| May 5, 2007

Today my mom had her quarterly doctor’s appointment. She was admitted to the hospital on April 22, 2006 with septic pneumonia, inactive thyroid, blood clots, and a bunch of other […]

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| May 27, 2007

About two weeks ago I noticed a growth forming under my tongue on my left side. What began as a small bump became a pellet sized tumor-like growth. This growth […]

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| Jun 18, 2007

One of my co-workers at McDonald’s, Jenn, was asking questions about my church. I politely answered her questions, and when she shifted her focus from church to her back [pain] […]

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| Jun 20, 2007

A team from Frontline Ministries International has been ministering at a local nursing home every other Wednesday night. This week, a resident there, Sophia, attended the meeting and received prayer […]

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| Jun 20, 2007

After nursing home ministry this week several team members stopped to talk with Kitty. Kitty’s right hand was completely closed up and gnarled. As she was prayed for it began […]

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| Jun 23, 2007

Yesterday, I was gripped with a headache. After soaking [spending time waiting on God] for over an hour the pain persisted and continued to build. I took a stand for […]

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| Jul 1, 2007

During our Sunday school class today I talked with the kids about prayer. At the end of our class time I asked each child if they had a request we […]

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| Jul 1, 2007

One evening, after a time of teaching and praying, the Lord gave someone a word of knowledge about stomach pain. This person asked if anyone had any kind of discomfort […]

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| Jul 1, 2007

Our 4 year old daughter had always been a light sleeper. From the time she was about 2 years old, she also had frequent nightmares. She would cry out in […]

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| Aug 30, 2007

I had been diagnosed with epilepsy and am standing in belief that Jesus has healed me of this. While believing, there are certain times I feel a numbing going on […]

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| Sep 15, 2007

After skateboarding last night I went to McDonalds to get a cold drink. I followed one of my co-workers outside to the smoking porch at the front of the store. […]

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| Nov 17, 2007

Last Tuesday night I was prayed for because I had poison ivy that was on my eye and spreading. Christy prayed for the condition and commanded the poison ivy to […]

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| Nov 17, 2007

Almost two weeks ago, my back began to spasm off and on. I was unable to walk on my own by the weekend. I was at a women’s retreat that […]

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| Dec 1, 2007

This testimony believe it or not starts in the year 2001…in fact it all stems from September 12. 2001…the day after 9/11 when the Twin Towers fell. While on the […]

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