Our History
In the Beginning… Dreaming With God
In 1995, having five teenagers of their own, Bill and Mary Pat Gokee began a Bible study in their home in Jackson Township, Ohio, for area teenagers and young adults. The doors to their house were always open to “kids in the area,” and their home became a haven for the hurting, questioning, and lost, as well as the eager ones who were looking for “the real deal,” not religious tradition. The Gokee home became a safe haven for hundreds of teens and young adults over the years, a place where the presence of God was evident. The Father was drawing His sons and daughters to Himself. Word of this “place” spread across denominational lines, to the streets, to the schools, and wherever young people “hung out.” Bill and Mary Pat had heard the Lord’s direction, feeling that youth were hungering after the demonstration of the Father’s heart and were to be drawn into the truth of His heart through unconditional love, one life at a time.
Walking It Out
The expression of this love was offered through vibrant worship, as Bill organized, taught and led the new team of young worship leaders in the making. “The Edge” Bible study was known for its solid revelatory and Biblical teaching, training and impartation, as well as, for healing and restoration of the heart. In addition, opportunities for local outreach and global missions were offered in a community setting of family love. This was different…this was the Lord.
With tender papa and mama hearts of love, Bill and Mary Pat invested themselves into those who desired healing of their hurts, attention, affection, friendship, affirmation, consistency, training, stability, and truth. Answering the call on their lives to take the Gospel of the Kingdom to the ends of the earth, Bill and Mary Pat prepared and led the first mission team to Jamaica in 1996 on a short term trip. Overseas trips, local street ministry, area youth retreats, discipling, and prophetic evangelism was soon the norm for those “catching the Spirit” through this powerful ministry of love. Countless lives have been touched as the Gokees have served as solid role models in the faith over the years. The youth grew in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man, walking in their true identities. People were amazed…how was this happening?
The Next Step
The Lord was deeply tugging at the Gokees’ hearts to fully offer themselves in this “new venture,” since they desired the Lord’s purifying work in each young adult. They envisioned what this multiplication of lives would look like as part of His Kingdom advancement. As they continued to train up and lead teams overseas, while leading The Edge, becoming a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization in 2000 was the next step. During that season, a strong prophetic word was given to them by a trusted pastor and prophetic voice that Bill and Mary Pat had a powerful apostolic anointing and call on their lives and that Frontline would greatly expand and invade the four corners of the earth with the Gospel of the Kingdom. This was a confirmation to the growing and burning desire in their hearts, and they determined to obey the call.
Many salvations and incredible miraculous healings marked this budding new ministry, as young ones were being nurtured and trained up in the realm of faith and deep intimacy with Jesus. These “radicals in the making” were stepping out in child-like trust both locally and abroad, and God was showing up big time! The supernatural was becoming natural.
A Leap of Faith
Revivalists and visionaries in heart and practice, Bill and Mary Pat’s cry for intimacy with the Lord has demonstrated to those around them here and abroad that the Lord will do what He says, that every promise is a yes in the Lord’s eyes. They also believe that we are the bride who makes herself ready for the soon coming of our King, Jesus. Through the training and equipping of the saints, reaching out to the lost (whether through powerful crusades or sitting at a kitchen table), and becoming a house of prayer, the Lord told the Gokees to begin a local church in 2005. This expression of His heart is now a thriving and multi-generational family of believers known as Frontline Worship Center. He is raising up an army of laid-down lovers of God!