Our Core Values


  • We understand that the only way to reach our destiny and live a fully satisfied and pure life in the process is to position ourselves to wholeheartedly and continuously seek the Face of God (Psalm 63:1), find Him (Proverbs 8:17), and enjoy close companionship with Him as our highest priority (Jeremiah 29:13).



  • We know that contending for deep intimacy (Psalm 27:4) and for personal righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17) is non negotiable for fiery Kingdom living, providing essential components for living a consecrated, empowered, and holy life for Jesus.



  • We are fully dependent on Jesus for everything, knowing that daily miracles in every area are normal, expected, and celebrated in our personal and corporate lives (Philippians 3:8-10).



  • We embrace suffering for Jesus (Philippians 1:20,29), if necessary, knowing that discipline and testing shape us as we are refined and conformed to His likeness as sons and daughters, no matter the cost (Romans 12:1-2).



  • We believe that our life is not our own so we willingly lay it down as lovers, submitted to the ultimate leadership of Holy Spirit as we live out our life for King Jesus in radical obedience (Philippians 2:2-8).



  • We seek to daily deny ourselves, take up our cross and seriously and joyfully follow Him, (to be His disciples), living for Him without excuse because of His unfathomable loving kindness and mercy (Matthew 16:24-27).



  • We highly value family and living in a culture of healthy community with one another, as sons and daughters of our Papa, believing that Mark 12:30-31 (in order) are our marching orders from God to fall and remain in love with Him, loving others out of that Holy love.



  • We say yes to local and global missions, embracing a personal missional lifestyle, going to the deepest and darkest places on earth, practically revolving around Luke 4:18-19 and Matthew 28:18-20 as our Frontline foundation and cornerstone of our hearts. We make “His last command our first priority” (Mel Tari).