New Sounds of Worship in Children’s Home, Even the Bellhop Comes For Prayer May 12, 2014 During the afternoon, I was taken to my hotel for a short rest. In the lobby, I said good-bye to my hosts with hugs and expressions of joy that I […] Holy Spirit Fire, Jesus Shows Up, Barren Couple With Child! May 11, 2014 It was such a treat to go back to a location in the city of Rajahmundry where we had prayed in a circle in 2011 for a church building project […] Encouraged and Blessed May 11, 2014 Mother’s Day is not routinely celebrated in India, but when I had my opportunity to speak on Sunday after worship (our children’s home kids participated up in front), testimonies, special […] Jesus Gives the Full Loaf, Not Just Crumbs May 10, 2014 This morning Troy went to finish taking videos of our Frontline kids prior to his afternoon departure back to the States. The children are so loving and it is exciting […] Pastor’s Conference – Lavishing Father’s Love on God’s Heroes May 8, 2014 Twenty-one of the Father’s heroes were present for our day long conference as well as the 22 children from our children’s home. Each of these pastors is facing all types […] Frontline Children’s Home India – So, So Precious May 5, 2014 Upon arriving in Rajahmundry airport, we could see our precious children lined up across from the exit doors holding a sign. The sign said, “Welcome Papa Bill and Uncle Troy”. […] Body Pain, Headaches, and Mental Instability Leave in the Name of Jesus! May 4, 2014 Our first and last ministry meetings for our time in New Dehli were at Pastor Phillip’s house church. We had become so close to the various ministry partners, both new […] Holy Spirit Led Message Releases Life, Healing, and Freedom May 2, 2014 Tonight, we ministered in Pastor Bharat’s church. After a time of worship, Pastor Bill shared a little bit about the Father’s love. Then, he felt led to share a personal […] Deaf Hearing, Demonized Set Free, Sickness Leaving May 1, 2014 After a stirring time of worship, Pastor Bill preached on the goodness of the Father using the account of Peter walking on water as a launching pad. Following that, Pastor […] Releasing of the Father’s Love and Heart May 1, 2014 Our dear friend, Pastor Rohit, met us at the airport last night with a hug and a big smile. Today, we had a time of impartation with about 40 pastors […]