Mercy triumphs over judgment June 17, 2006 One of the privileges of living here is that we have been able to start understanding the complex web of relationships that influence daily life for these people. As a […] Church Plant Celebration July 2, 2005 In celebration of the opening of Casa de Jesus, a new Iris Ministries church in Heliopolis, and in an effort to introduce those from the community to this new source […] Freedom Celebration at Samba School June 29, 2005 The day started like most others: We traveled to Heliopolis for an exciting day of ministry throughout the favella. The previous weeks were in preparation for a Crusade at the […] WE ARRIVED…NOVA FRIBURGO!!! June 20, 2005 We have had an amazing time in Brazil thus far, with an abundance of opportunities coming with each new day! Blessings and ???? favor have been abundant, both with God’s […] Nova Friburgo Outreach June 8, 2005 Children excitedly ran beside us towards the local gymnasium, reaching out to help us carry chairs for our community wide outreach. Our excitement and expectation for our Saturday evening event […]