Living and Loving Supernaturally

It is always amazing to watch God work, but even more so when we are able to see over time
When our team arrived at the site of the future Iris church in Heliopolis, it was evident that we had
In celebration of the opening of Casa de Jesus, a new Iris Ministries church in Heliopolis, and in an effort
The day started like most others: We traveled to Heliopolis for an exciting day of ministry throughout the favella. The
Rachael Chalwe and Priscilla (an anointed Brazilian friend) shared a song in Portuguese and English during the evening service at
Our team traveled Sunday morning to Braganca Polista in order to minister at Community of Grace, where Marcus and Amelia
On Saturday evening we left our ministry time in Heliopolis with a full bus load and headed toward Comunidade de