Revelation of Father’s Love April 1, 2012 Pastor Bill and Troy went to City Centre Church’s west branch this morning to minister. Pastor Bill preached about the authenticity of God’s love for us and His desire that […] Glory to Jesus on This Palm Sunday! April 1, 2012 Our team again split into two, to minister at two different branches of a church. Pastor Mary Pat and Michelle headed to the City Centre’s downtown branch. We were thrilled […] Outpouring on the Youth! March 31, 2012 Saturday night, our team was invited to minister at a youth gathering that meets in an upper room at a local mall. The room was packed with youth, ages 14 […] Arrival in Singapore March 30, 2012 We were sad to leave our dear friends in Jakarta, but knew the Lord had plans in store for the team in another nation, so we boarded a plane and […]