Tuesday, November 19, 2019 – Ghana
For our second day of Kingdom Bible School in Ghana, we focused on 1 Thessolonians 5:23 and that we are a 3 part being: spirit, soul, and body. The team demonstrated how our spirit comes alive when we give our lives to Jesus, but then we still have to choose if we are going to be ruled by our soul, our body, or our spirit. When we choose to follow our body or soul, they will lead us astray, but if we follow our spirit, the 3 will work together to serve God and follow His plans for our life. The Lord was deepening the understanding of this even for our missions team, so we know He was bringing greater revelation to our KBS participants as well!
For our afternoon session, Josh led a beautiful blend of Ghanaian and American worship. We noticed that a couple of the people that have been coming to KBS for years were dancing and expressing themselves much more freely than what is typically seen here, which is a testimony of the ongoing work God has been doing in their hearts! Pastor Bill then led a session on what a lifestyle of worship can look like practically. He talked about Romans 12:1, and how we are called to present ourselves as a living sacrifice.
In the evening, we headed out to the village of Sanyeri for a crusade. There is a Life Christian Centre branch there, that was planted after a Frontline team held a crusade there about 15 years ago, so we were very excited to go back! We started the night with The Jesus Film, after which Josh and Rachel preached the Gospel. About 65 people declared Jesus as the Lord of their lives, including some that had been Muslim! All those that prayed renounced any connection with witchcraft, former religions, and any other powers of darkness. We could visibly see a change in their countenances as they experienced true love, peace, and joy for the first time. Pastor Amadu, a joyful and humble leader of the church there, was happy to invite all of the new believers to join them at their various church gatherings throughout the week. We pray that they will come and be raised up as disciples!