Tuesday Evening, July 4
After our amazing time on our land we had the opportunity to show “Magdalena” at 2 different locations. The first time was near our land, with Chief Baluta, who gave us the land. It was a blessing to be able to build relationships with the community, while also sharing the Gospel and praying for the sick. We then quickly loaded the bus to head back to Cocomissava. We had a second night of crusade, and we saw five more people give their lives to Jesus! We also saw God complete a creative miracle, when Joyce returned with her grandmother. Once all connections with witchcraft were renounced, Pastor Mary Pat continued to pray for her. She began to see light! Her ears were also opened fully and she could say, “Jesus!” After more prayer, she could see clearly, and was able to count the numbers fingers that were held up. She clung on to Pastor Mary Pat so close that we could sense her great appreciation for all Jesus did for her. Joyce’s miracle led another woman to come forward for healing for her eyes. God instantly healed her and she was now able to see far away!