The Father’s Amazing Love is Poured out on Centro Ipeco
On this bright Sunday morning, our team had the honor of ministering to a church in Centro Ipeco. Before the service even began, our team performed a drama along the street outside Many came to hear the good news and 40 received the Lord before we even entered the church!
These people were so beautiful and welcomed us with such love. The small church was packed with children and adults ready to listen and receive. Pastor Mary Pat preached an incredibly encouraging message about the goodness of our Father in Heaven. Ten more people gave their lives to Jesus, and the entire church came up to the front after a call to have more of Holy Spirit. Each one passionately cried out and lifted their voices to Heaven as they worshipped the Lord.
Afterwards, we were able to pray over the sick and see every person touched by God! The power of God was so strong and people were uplifted and regained greater vision and strength. A young woman with a cough was touched and said she could breathe and sing without any pain. Another young woman had suffered a leg injury from a car accident. After receiving prayer, she was able to walk on it without pain. One precious elderly woman came to the front with the most lit-up countenance, to share of a vision she had of Jesus approaching her with a cross. She was so overwhelmed with joy. A young 12 year-old child named Paulo was handicapped with clenched fists and curled up feet was miraculously touched by the Lord. After praying and singing over him, he was able to move his fingers in front of him and stretch them out; all of which he was unable to do before! You deserve the glory, honor, and praise Jesus Christ!