Another Bronchitis Healing

God is so wonderful and beautiful! Today in class I noticed a girl come in who hasn’t been in class yet and we are 2 weeks into the semester. I found out she has been in and out of the hospital for bronchitis. We got to talking after class and I shared with her a testimony of God healing a guy’s knee when I prayed for him the previous week. Her eyes widened as I told her about how God took all his pain away, and she said she had never heard anything like that before. I asked her, “Wouldn’t it be cool if I prayed for your throat and you actually felt better after I prayed?” She she said yes, so I prayed for her and after praying her countenance softened and she told me she’s never had anyone pray for her before. I hugged her and told her that God loves her SO much and that she is amazing! I asked her if her throat felt better and she said, “Actually I just swallowed and felt no pain!” I was so excited! I asked her again to confirm the pain was totally gone and she said that before I prayed, her throat hurt and it was hard to swallow, but after I prayed it felt better and she could swallow easily with no pain! I told her thats the power of Jesus!!! And it is!! Glory to God!
