Building Your Own Little Kingdom

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Pastor Bill 


Daniel 4:28-37


Building your own little kingdom thinking it is God’s Kingdom is deception. Building your own little kingdom instead of building God’s Kingdom is rebellion. Building your own little kingdom while attempting to build God’s Kingdom is contradiction. Building God’s Kingdom in spirit and in truth is worship. John 4:24 


When a person doesn’t fully accept Jesus as the reigning King of the true Kingdom, then he demands the release of a Barabbas – a robber, a murderer, and an insurrectionist – to be part of an inferior little kingdom being built. Is it any wonder that the enemy can steal, kill, and destroy when an inferior kingdom is chosen instead of the abundant life offered by Jesus in the true Kingdom of God. Remember, the Jews rejected the Messiah they had supposedly been waiting to celebrate! We do the same thing if we try to empower our little inferior kingdom to reign over the true Kingdom. John 18:37-40; John 10:10 


“Don’t judge me” or “You are judging me” is often the cry of the person building his own little kingdom. “Search me, O God, and know my heart” is always the cry of the person building the Father’s Kingdom. Ps. 139:23 


Selfishness is the glaze on every brick when you build your own little kingdom. Selflessness is the mortar that holds every brick together when you are building the Father’s Kingdom. Philippians 2:3,4


The person building his own little kingdom immensely enjoys the fact that God loves the vilest of sinners. Romans 5:8,9 The person who is building the Father’s Kingdom immensely enJOYS the fact that he doesn’t have to test God’s love to intensely experience it. Romans 6 


A person who is building his own little kingdom demands that others love and accept him for who he is. A person who is building the Father’s Kingdom wants others to love him into what God intends for him to become. Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Just because someone agrees with you as a negative agreement doesn’t mean they are your best friend. A true friend gently wounds you (disagrees with your unGodly lifestyle, negative and bitter conversation, and DRA…..dirty rotten attitude) in order to offer (call you to) the One who was wounded for you and wants to heal your body, soul, and spirit! Friends who pet the emotions are not true friends……they are unwitting partners with the wolves who are trying to eat your lunch! 

Proverbs 27:6,17 


A person building his own little kingdom is on a continual, agonizing search for significance. A person building the Father’s Kingdom has found his fullest identity of freedom in Jesus. John 8:32,36


You are the face when you are building your own little kingdom. Jesus is the face when you are building the Father’s kingdom. Matthew 6:33; Colossians 3:1,2

Doubt and unbelief reign in the person who is building his own little kingdom. Faith and trust reign in the person who is building the Father’s Kingdom. James 1:5-8; Hebrews 11:6


Fear is the fuel for the person building his own little Kingdom. Faith (including fear of the Lord) is the jet fuel for the person building the Kingdom of God. I John 4:18; II Corinthians 5:7; Proverbs 9:10


You are often overwhelmed if you are building your own little kingdom. You are constantly overcoming when you are building the Father’s Kingdom. Romans 8:31-39; Galatians 6:9,10


A powerless orphan builds his own little kingdom. A powerful son/daughter builds his/her Father’s Kingdom. Romans 8:14,15


Building your own little kingdom and calling it God instead of building the Kingdom of God in humility and calling Him, “Lord” is the epitome of building your house on the sand. The rains, floods, and the winds have every right to destroy self-made structures without the protection of God being guaranteed. Matthew 7:21-27 


Blame is a major part of the conversation of the person who is building their own little kingdom and not submitting to THE Kingdom. Matthew 7:1-5


People who are constantly run by their emotions…. “Listen to my feelings, world!” build high walls against the very deep Father’s love that they so desperately need! Building one’s own little Kingdom with decrees that keep Father’s love (and those that share it) at arm’s length vs Receiving with humility the Kingdom of God within, including the Father’s amazing affection. Let’s step into the latter approach! Philippians 2:3,4; Romans 8:15; James 4:10; Ephesian 4:30


The enemy is empowered when you are building your own little kingdom. The enemy is often rendered completely powerless when you are building the Father’s Kingdom. I Peter 5:5-11; James 4:7-9


You get sick and tired when you are building your own little kingdom. You get empowered and inspired when you are building the Father’s Kingdom. Nehemiah 8:10


Lies and deception rule when you are building your own little kingdom. Spirit and truth rule when you are building the Father’s Kingdom. John 4:24 


The terms “radical,” “laid-down-lover,” “revivalist,” and “world changer” do not apply when describing a person building his own little Kingdom (despite his posting of wonderful sounding phrases on FB). These terms not only apply to the person truly building God’s Kingdom, but his tribe will increase because he is contagious. 2 Timothy 2:2 


Lack is inevitable when building your own little kingdom. Abundance is inevitable when building the Father’s Kingdom. John 10:10 


You are disconnected from the Father’s heartbeat when you are building your own little kingdom. Your heartbeat is one with the Father’s heartbeat when you are building His Kingdom Proverbs 4:23


Blame and excuses rise up within you if you build your own little kingdom. Blessing and encouragement rise up within you if you build your Father’s Kingdom. Luke 19:8; I Timothy 5:19; I Thessalonians 3:2


 So many orphaned tumble weeds carried about by every contrary wind; so few father farmers to help plant their roots deep within…..good soil. Thank you, Lord, that you are raising up many more faithful Kingdom fathers! Psalm 1; Matthew 13:1-23; I Corinthians 4:15


Deception is powerful and real. If you are in deception, you will find someone, or many others, to blame for your present impure choices. You believe so many lies that you will almost always need someone who is living purely for Jesus in truth to pull you up from the quagmire of the pit – someone led by Holy Spirit (partnering with Him) or Holy Spirit Himself directly. Galatians 6:7; II Timothy 3:13


Talk will always be the cheapest part of following Jesus (especially posting the profound sayings of revivalists as my Facebook posts). The most expensive part is allowing Jesus to radically live in me…….but sacrificial investment yields great reward! Galatians 2:20 


Honoring Kingdom Presence + Kingdom Power + Kingdom Principles + Kingdom Community = True Kingdom Freedom, True Kingdom Love, True Kingdom Life Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:10 


A person may say, “I want to be just like Jesus!!!” I ask, “Which Jesus?” The 1/3 Jesus that only deals with the salvation part of the Gospel……or the REAL Jesus that saved, healed, delivered, and raised the dead unto abundant and eternal life?!!! Following the REAL Jesus requires receiving the supernatural presence and power of the Holy Spirit…….anything else falls short of a powerful, overcoming Gospel……. Matthew 10:1-8


Hypocrite is such a heavy word in the Bible. Preaching, teaching, proclaiming truth publicly while living a lie privately is the most common scenario. Hypocrisy is the disease. The purifying fire of Holy Spirit received in our innermost being is the cure. Our prayer should be, “Rescue me from the devastating disease of hypocrisy, Lord Jesus!” Proverbs 11:9