The Heart of Jesus – Comunidade Crista para Todos os Povos

Sunday night, Brenda and Tiana joined Pastor Bill at Comunidade Crista para Todos os Povos (Community of Christ for All People). The night began with a time of worship, followed by prayer and communion. Jose Hays, the pastor of the church then gave a testimony about how the Lord had called him to begin a mission school in São Paulo. We came together with the congregation to pray for up this upcoming school.
Pastor Bill gave a Spirit packed message on following the heart of the Lord, with our good friend Ines translating. He shared multiple testimonies of when he chose to follow the Lord’s heart, and how it resulted in forgiveness and favor on his life and the lives of the other people involved. At the end of his message, he encouraged the people to come forward for prayer if they wanted to receive further revelation of the heart of Jesus. Many people were deeply touched as the team members prayed for them.