Sunday Evening, Feb. 2, 2020-Brazil
In the evening the team parted ways again. The part of the team that went with Pastor Bill returned to Diadema to a church called “Comunidade Cristá Diadema” . The service started out with some very moving worship led by their worship team. After, Pastor Bill preached about when our spirit is willing and partners with Holy Spirit, then we will always have a “Yes”, even if our “Yes”, requires sacrifice. When we partner with the Yes, great things can be accomplished, because Jesus already said “it is finished” when He was on the cross. Pastor Bill called the church forward for prayer and had them to declare over their lives some of the 700 names of God. He sang the “Enemy is Done” and the congregation was excited to join in! He ended the service by singing prophetically over the church and releasing healing, more fire, new worship songs, and more of the Love of Jesus in their lives.
The other group went to Gravity Zero, which is a church that we have been visiting for a few years now. PMP preached a deeply impactful and anointed message on how the Lord is looking for those who will let go of fear and believe. Mark 5:36. She shared out of Matthew 10:37-39 that if you love and have more pleasure in the people closest to you, Jesus isn’t enough for you. He’s looking for those who will lose their lives for His sake. He’s looking for our entire lives and being holy given to Him. We cannot love God without God. When we are compelled by love we will do anything for Him! She also shared about the demonic who was set free in Mark chapter 5 and how Jesus wanted revival and His Kingdom released in the land. Three people ended up giving their lives to Jesus! At the end, one of the team members prayed for a guy who asked for freedom. He said he knew Jesus. After praying for him, he felt more free and lighter in his heart.