Shekinah Glory Ministries Prayer Meeting — Experience of His Shekinah Glory
We were so excited to minister at Shekinah Glory Ministries, headed up
by our dear friends Mr. and Mrs. Widodo. Our 2011 Indonesia mission
team stayed in the home of the Widodos last year, and we became very
close. We ministered at what turned out to be a six-hour worship and
prayer meeting! Pastor Bill shared a great message on Jesus being our
sabbath rest, and how we don’t have to strive in our Christian walk,
trying to please God with what we do – He already loves us
unconditionally. When one young lady who was a new Christian asked a
specific question pertaining to her life, Pastor Bill got to share
Father’s heart with everyone present – that God isn’t mad at us, and
He doesn’t bring fear.
Pastor Mary Pat also shared a powerful message on recognizing Holy
Spirit when He is moving. Pastor Bill started ministering through
worship,with the song “Shekinah Glory Come,” and as we laid hands on
people, all were powerfully touched by Holy Spirit. Many were weeping
as God was touching and healing hearts. One woman testified that her
leg was healed after Pastor Mary Pat laid hands on her. Troy got to
speak with a young man about the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and he
ended up receiving the baptism and speaking in tongues! It was a
precious time. We love this family and this ministry and pray for
continued increase.