Second Revival Meeting – Tumor Shrinks – Many Others Healed, Saved and Delivered!
The second night of the revival meeting brought many people in from the villages as well as other city officials who had attended the morning seminar. Pastor Bill preached a powerful message drawing people up front to receive salvation. As the atmosphere was ripe with open hearts another alter call was given by Pastor Mary Pat as even more came to receive salvation from their good Father. This time of people receiving the Father’s love led into a time of impartation from Pastor Mary Pat and an opportunity for people to see how powerful God is as they came forward in a response to receive healing. After a time of corporate prayer people began to share of the healings they had received.
One woman who had suffered from a chronic cough shared that the cough had disappeared the moment she stepped into the meeting hall and had not coughed during the entire duration of the revival meeting.
An elderly gentleman came forward sharing of a stomach paid he had lived with for the past 30 years. After sharing that no doctor was able to explain what the problem was Jesus stepped in and simply took the pain away. Initially shy about sharing the gentleman was eventually glad to share about the miraculous healing power of God.
After hearing other testimonies of people’s pain leaving their backs, heads and abdomens a young lady was brought forward by her mother. She shared about a health defect her daughter had developed for the last 8 or 9 years since she was 3 years old that caused one arm to grow at a faster rate than the other. Eventually the girl testified of feeling heat as Pastor Mary Pat laid hands on her arms.
After the revival meeting was officially over, God still wasn’t finished releasing His healing power. Our Indonesian team member, Tania’s father had come to the conference to receive healing for a tumor on his face. As background, three years ago when the Frontline team came to Indonesia, they initially met Tania and her family. Her father had had cancer for two years prior to that time. When the team prayed for him, he subsequently went to the doctor and received a report that he was completely healed of cancer!
Though cancer free, the large tumor remained on his face. It was so large, that he could not see over the tumor on the left side of his face, and he could barely speak because the tumor did not allow his tongue room to move. As Pastor Mary Pat began to pray for the tumor a crowd of people gathered in expectation for what the Lord was going to do. Pastor Mary Pat continued to pray and impart about the power of God to those observing. After a short time of prayer Tania’s father began to expel the tumor from the inside out. After continuing this process for over two hours he testified of several signs that the healing power of God had begun its work. The tumor was visibly smaller and had gone from a large tight mass covering the majority of his face to a smaller, softer mass that was now wrinkled. As he felt extremely hot to the outside touched he testified of feeling very cool on the inside of his mouth. He shared that he was now able to open his chin, move his tongue around and see through his left eye, all things he was not able to do before the prayer. At the end of the prayer time he looked in the mirror and was brought to tears as he shouted hallelujah. The tumor had shrunken significantly and he is now excited to see the Lord finish the work as we believe the tumor will be completely gone the next time we see him. Praise God for His continued faithfulness to bring healing.