Saturday, Feb. 1- Brazil 2020
Today was the last day of the children’s program and we wanted to celebrate them as children of God. We had decorations, balloons, banners, face painting, cake, and ice-cream. We also had a special craft with a photo of each child on a handprint signifying the hand of God. We began the program with the verse of the week, Romans 8:15, and the song of the week “Father God has many sons.” The team then did a drama based off of Colossians 2:13. The drama portrayed Jesus taking the sins of people on the cross and then raising from the dead, bringing them freedom. Pastor Mary Pat shared more with the children about Jesus wanting to take all of their pain away and replace it with His healing and love. This involved speaking with the children about areas of purity in their lives. Many of the children and youth, both at Heliopolis and City of God had experienced this type of pain and prayed with Pastor Mary Pat to receive a healing touch from their loving Father.
We finished our day with Pastor Dirceu sharing with the team a powerful word of encouragment from Philipians 2:5-11.