Revival in Mong Kok
When asked if we would like to meet a local ministry who would be doing outreach in Mong Kok, we simply agreed. We had no idea that when we would join them on Friday night, it would be the most powerful outreach in Hong Kong that we had ever participated in. On July 11th, our team of seven was able to join Grace Community Church on the streets of Mong Kok for a time of evangelism, worship, drama, dances, and proclamation of the goodness of God. As we stepped out into the streets after getting off the train, we saw one of the busiest cities we had ever seen. Each night, Mong Kok closes off the streets to cars, and thousands of people walk through each night. There was much commotion throughout the entire area, with many people hurrying about.
We greeted our new friends and ministry contacts, and were excited when they offered us an opportunity to perform one of our dramas and preach. We simply set up our sound box in the middle of the street, and began acting out a drama called “Released” that portrays the freedom that can only be found in the Lord. It was such a unique opportunity; this area is known as the busiest place in all of Hong Kong at night. We ended up being able to perform “Released” and other dramas and dances three times before the night was over. There was a new crowd each time, as so many people come throughout these streets every night. We followed each drama with the message of the Gospel, with team members boldly proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. We were able to shout to every one that could hear that the God of the universe knows and loves them, and wants to have a relationship with them. We believe that many were touched with this message of love and power.
As the night wore on, it was an incredible experience to be able to participate in worship with our Chinese brothers and sisters. They sang out boldly and loudly, with an evidence of passion and fire in their hearts. An awesome presence of God continued to flood the area the entire night long, and many were drawn to the event to see what had gotten so many people excited. One girl simply came up to Darlene and asked her, “What is going on here? I want to know more about this Jesus.” She was able to share the Gospel with her as God opened up this door and moved on her heart. Theresa was able to pray with Ting, a girl who had throat pain. She was not a Christian, but received healing after she was prayed for. When she heard about the God who loved her so much to die for her and who had just healed her, she willingly gave her life to Jesus Christ.
The night ended with an awesome time of worship in the streets. As they sang in Chinese, we realized we knew the same song in English and began to sing, jump, and shout with them. Our hearts were filled to overflowing, and we believe it was one of the most powerful nights of ministry we have ever experienced in Hong Kong. Words can not describe the joy that filled our hearts as God’s presence continued to rise and as He poured out His glory on the streets. We believe that God is bringing revival to this area, and were so blessed to have such an opportunity to be involved in this outpouring. Praise God for what He is doing in Hong Kong!