Repentance, Freedom and Throne Room Worship
The morning session began with some testimonies of people being baptized in the Holy Spirit the previous night. Then Joshua gave a message on repentance building on the previous teaching on purity. The entire school prayed as Holy Spirit led them and were led through Psalm 51. At the end Pastor Bill and Josh got out their guitars and a few of our friends jumped on the drums, and together a new sound came forth! We started with the song “Freedom” put to an upbeat African rhythm, and then invited one of the Ghanaian song leaders up to sing it out in the local dialect. A fun new song “Ndani Nmeɛ” (En-Denim-Yay) was born, and a new level of freedom was expressed in song and dance!
In the evening session, Pastor Bill shared on Throne Room Worship. At the close of the session, many were holding out their hands to Jesus to receive revelation and throne room experiences with the Lord. One woman testified of smelling something like a very fragrant flower during that time.
Then that night we capped off the day with a showing of the “Jesus” film, which we projected on a makeshift white board we’d been using for taking notes during the teachings. Years ago, an FMI team showed the film in Nima (a predominantly Muslim community in Accra), and Pastor Stephen said he would love to have a way to show it in the villages. So this year we brought a projector, DVD player, and a copy of the DVD, all of which we are going to leave with him so he can use it to further the Gospel!