Protection and healing – The Enemy is Done!
Tonight, our team ministered at Casa de Jesus, our local church connection. After worshipping in both English and Portuguese, the team asked the people of the church to share testimonies of what God has been doing in their lives. Many of the people had amazing testimonies of things the Lord had done in their lives since Pastor Bill and Pastor Mary Pat were there on Wednesday.
One woman excitedly shared how she had heard Pastor Bill’s song he had written called “The Enemy is Done” at church. The following day, she was at work and singing that song to herself while operating a mechanical press and it malfunctioned and smashed down on her hand. It could have taken her hand completely off but instead it miraculously just left small cuts. She showed the team her hands, overjoyed that the Lord had protected her from danger.
Another young girl shared that after the church service, she was about to walk across the street, but suddenly she heard the voice of the Holy Spirit say “STOP!” She stopped, and just as she did, a car careened past her. The Lord saved her life.
Then Ines, our friend and the director of Frontline Brazil, shared how early that morning her mother had woken up with very serious heart problems. The doctor was called to the house. In the meantime, Pastor Mary Pat and Ines arrived and began to pray for her. The pains in her chest subsided and her racing heartbeat returned to normal. When the doctor came to her house, he checked her out her vitals and ECG and then proclaimed that she was fine and no longer needed to go to the hospital!
After hearing the testimonies, the team shared a word with the church about hearing the voice of God and the power of the testimony. We led an activation where we asked the church to step out and ask Holy Spirit for prophetic words to give to each other. Many were blessed and touched as they stepped out to hear the voice of Holy Spirit.
Afterwards some asked for prayer for healing. Joe and Steph prayed for a woman with pain in the bottom of her foot. She felt God touch her foot, and she excitedly stomped it on the ground to prove she was healed. She went to tell Pastor Dirceu about her healing and shared that she had had this foot problem for over two years.
Michelle and Tiana prayed for another woman who has served the team for many years when we have come to Brazil. She said she had sharp pains in her heart and in her lower back. After a time of prayer she felt the pain go completely and it hasn’t come back. She also received more of the Joy of the Lord.