Power in Senjaret!
Excitement and anticipation filled the air as our team loaded the bus to begin our first night of village outreach. We had piled into our bus, and began fervently praying as the rain was beating down and the winds blew. We knew that God had a specific plan for His people on this night, and wanted to see His Kingdom come in every way.
As we were driving down the mud roads, plans quickly changed as the rain would prevent us from making it to the village we had planned to go to. It was decided that we would go to Senjaret, which is not far from where our team is staying in Northern Ghana. Many Muslims live in this place, and God had a divine set up for this night.
We continued praying that people would come, despite the rain and inclement weather. When we arrived, we could hardly believe our eyes! A captive audience had gathered underneath the market’s porch, waiting for the rain to stop. We quickly jumped off the bus, set up our sound system, and began to call others in. Before we knew it, a crowd not only surrounded us under the porch, but the Ghanaians surrounded us on all sides, eager to see what was going on. I’m sure they wondered, “What’s going on? What is making these people stand here in the rain? Why have they come?”
Excitement and anticipation rushed through us as we began with Released, a powerful drama representing the freedom found in Jesus Christ. The crowd gathered in even closer, desiring to receive the message being given. When Pastor Bill and Pastor Mary Pat preached the Gospel message, about 200 responded, raising their hands to give their lives to Jesus. As each one stepped out, joining Pastor Bill to pray, our excitement continued to grow. It is the greatest miracle to see these precious people become sons and daughters of the living God!
Many people were powerfully touched by the healing power of God as well. Men and women testified of their legs, backs, and waists being healed. Headaches were touched, pains in the stomach ceased, and pain left as the power of God rushed through them!
As our team loaded the bus, people continued to gather around to receive prayer for healing. A boy named Samora who had been deaf since birth came forward to receive prayer. As Pastor Mary Pat, Pastor Bill, and Pastor Samuel laid hands on him, the Lord restored his hearing! The crowd erupted as they realized how God had touched this ten year old boy. Many shouted, jumped up and down, and praised the Lord for His goodness. Samora’s eyes filled with tears as he realized what had just happened. What an awesome God!
As we drove back home, our team was in awe of all that the Lord had down. He knows just what to do in every situation, and always leads us in victory as we follow Him. He is truly amazing!