Pastor’s Conference Chinthaluru – Leaders Being Raised Up in the Spirit
Pastor Bill and Troy went to Chinthaluru to minister to about 90 pastors and leaders from their area. Last year Pastor Bill had been able to preach here with the team and leave them greatly encouraged. This year Pastor Bill commended them for their faith in the midst of the constant persecution from other religions and the government – they are true warriors of the faith. They go backed up by the 700+ names of Jesus as they take territory for the King. Pastor Bill testified to his hand being healed just yesterday by Jehovah Rapha and how good our Heavenly Father is to give each of us a new name and to spend 9 months thinking of us and creating us in our mother’s womb. The pastors responded to his words of exhortation with smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts.
After taking a break for everyone to eat lunch, the pastors came back hungry for more. Troy had the opportunity to teach on the amazing presence and release of Holy Spirit in our lives. After going through some scriptures and sharing his personal testimony, all joined together in prayer asking Jesus to come and baptize them in the Holy Spirit. Those who already had stepped into this release prayed for those who hadn’t. Among others, one young lady began praying back and forth in Telagu and in tongues.
Pastor Bill closed out the first day of the Pastor’s Confernce by sharing some practical tips for hearing the voice of Holy Spirit. As he shared the amazing testimony of God leading him to quit his 25 year teaching caree to become a full-time minister, the pastors listened intently as he shared about the visions, dreams, and prophetic words that led up to making that huge decision. He also shared about the key of resting in the Lord and laying before Him so that He could speak to them personally. The pastors were surprised to see the leader laying on the floor demonstrating this important principle in hearing the voice of God. Closing the meeting with a heart-felt and passionate prayer, Pastor Bill released them for the day and encouraged them to prepare their hearts for what the Lord is going to release tomorrow as Pastor Mary Pat ministers to them for the day.