Our Good Shepherd Brought Healing, Freedom, and Revelation
Wednesday night the team was delighted to be able to share at Casa de Jesus! It was a powerful time highlighting how Jesus is our Good Shepherd and we need to be able to discern and listen to his voice through the Word, soaking in His Presence, and spending time with Him. Christy led worship with Bethany playing guitar and Tiana and Andrew accompanying.
Troy spoke on John 10 and how sheep need a Shepherd. Troy finished by talking about freedom and how receiving freedom in our lives enables us to hear the voice of the Father. He also spoke about how soaking ushers us into intimacy with the Lord, and being able to discern and listen to the voice of the Lord. He shared that when we walk in freedom, we do not have to walk in fear. As a spiritual activation, he had the people at the meeting take fear into their hand, throw it away, and say, “Jesus, You are the Good Shepherd. I don’t need to fear. Because You are so good, I can take the fear and throw it away. It is not my fear. It is the enemy’s fear.”
During the message, Christy and Tiana gave testimonies from the children’s ministry time earlier that day- that when we are thankful and worship our Father in Heaven, the enemy must flee because the enemy has no power when we worship Jesus. Michelle also shared about the powerful things the Lord has been doing in the freedom classes she and Troy have been having with the young adults during the day. She testified how the openness of the young people to share about their lives completely blew her away.
We then went into a time of soaking. About 10 people testified they either felt the peace, love, and presence of the Lord, or saw something.
One boy said he felt God in his heart. A woman saw a beautiful blue sky with white and felt like she was flying.
Troy then invited anyone who felt they had an evangelistic call on their lives to come up for prayer. Three of the young people came forward crying and visibly touched by the Lord with a heart for the lost. People needing specific prayer for different issues was also called to come up to the front. Michelle and Angie prayed and spoke words over a young teenage girl who came up for prayer for her parents, who were getting divorced or separated. The girl felt very encouraged as the love of the Lord was released.
A woman with pain in her left ankle testified that the pain left after Troy and 15 year-old Daniel prayed for her! Then, Troy and Daniel prayed for another lady who had pain in her back and her right knee for about 2 years. After praying for her twice, she testified that she was healed. Both ladies started dancing and jumping up and down with Troy and Daniel to verify that the pain was gone! It was fun to see Daniel stepping out in faith to pray for healing at the age of 15 — certainly something that many of us didn’t do at that age.