New Life in Jesus…No More Thoughts of Suicide
On Thursday we went out into the favela in our SEALS teams to go door to door and minister to the people living there. It was amazing how people responded to the Gospel, and received Jesus so easily! While we were walking down an alley, we came across 5 girls sitting and talking. We began talking to them and asked if we could pray for them. As Tom prayed out, Bethany got a word about them having a love for writing. She asked them if they liked to write, and 4 out of 5 girls said they loved to. One girl said she liked to write because her family has been in conflict and she has had thoughts of taking her life. Our hearts went out to her and shared the love of Jesus to her and the other girls sitting by. By the end of sharing the Gospel, they all gave their lives to Jesus! We were able to speak hope and life into the girl with family problems!
Another lady that we met right after this also gave her heart to Jesus. She welcomed us into her house and Mike and the team shared the Gospel with her! The expression on her face was priceless! She was beaming with joy and you could see the life of Jesus shining through her eyes! God is so amazing, and if we follow Him He will lead us right to someone who is ready to know Jesus and inches away from salvation!