New Church Plant Crusade
Today, we packed up camp and headed north to a rural church outside the town of Maxixe. The team was excited to return to this village, as last year we saw a man get healed of blindness there! We met Pastor Antonio and he had big plans for us for tonight. He said that we would go to new ground that was donated to begin a church and set up for crusade. The place doesn’t have a church nearby, but we are hoping that will change after tonight!
Many people started coming out after we set up the lights, speakers, and the film screen. Children and mothers jumped into our “Just Wanna Say” dance competition and everyone watched closely as the team performed our “Released” drama! Troy and Peter gave a fiery salvation message and 80 responded by coming up and praying to receive Jesus! Later that night we also heard testimonies from several people in the crowd. One women was able to move around without pain in her knee that had been injured for many weeks. Another woman was free from back and chest pain. A third woman experienced healing in ankle and joint pain that she had since 2010! Thank You Jesus!