Monday, July 3 – Cocomissava

Our team went throughout the village of Cocomissava to invite people to the crusade. We were greeted by smiling faces who enthusiastically were saying, “Yes, we will come!” At the crusade, our team shared many dances and two dramas. Pastor Mary Pat gave the gospel message and 163 people raised their hands to surrender their lives to Jesus. During a time of healing, a momma came forward with her step-daughter, Joyce, who was mostly deaf and blind in one eye. Pastor Mary Pat prayed for her, and she was able to hear better! As she began to pray for her eye, Pastor Mary Pat received a word of knowledge about the girl being taken to a witch doctor, which the woman said was true, and that it was the girl’s grandmother that had taken her. Pastor Mary Pat asked that they bring the grandmother back the next night so they could fully break that connection. Another woman was touched by the healing power of God and was able to see! She exclaimed “I now know believe that Jesus exists!”