Monday Evening, June 26 – Hokwe
Monday evening, we held a crusade in the field where the pastor’s seminar had taken place. We started with a lively crowd of about 100 people, and as we brightly projected the Magdalena film, more and more came from their huts to watch. When the lights came on at the end of the film, we were amazed to see at least three times as many people! Pastor Mary Pat led most of them to Christ after a fiery message of how Jesus’ sacrifice washes away our sins. Andy decreed a prayer for greater freedom, and Jaimie offered prayer for physical healing. One man was healed of back pain that he had suffered from for 5 years, and a woman’s of chest pain she had for 1 month. 10 others were healed of pain in their bodies, including stomachs, heads, backs, and legs. Our team was humbled and in awe of the Lord for such a massive response from the villagers!!!