Lighthouse Prayer
The Lord desires to find people who are captivated by His Presence and fascinated by His love, who have a firm resolve to provide Him with a resting place which hosts His glory, beginning within the individual person and spilling into the corporate life of a particular Kingdom expression.This, in turn, spreads outward, just as the rays of a lighthouse emanate into the surrounding darkness for others to be guided into a place of refuge, hope, and illumination.The Lord sees each person as an individual, yet encourages healthy community living, giving, and sacrificing to accomplish His mission for us. To that end, since Frontline Ministries International operates as a House of Prayer, we welcome participation in LIGHTHOUSE PRAYER, a prayer/intercession gathering typically held the 3rd Friday of each month 9:00 PM – 11:00 PM. See our Full Calendar for other prayer times and events. Corporate prayer is essential for maintaining supernatural strength for end-time, prosperous Kingdom living.