
Integrated Worship

We welcome and encourage young people and their families to worship together during our service on Sunday mornings. We believe that God is raising up and calling these children to become radical worshippers at a young age and to come to know that their Father in Heaven deeply loves them. Children are encouraged to express their hearts of worship to the Lord and are free to dance, sing, wave banners and play small hand instruments during Sunday worship.

Children’s Classes

On Sunday mornings, children will have the opportunity to join small groups to receive Biblical instruction through a variety of means including: dramas, soaking in God’s presence, and powerful relevant lessons. Regardless of the age group, we desire to see these children grow in their knowledge of the Scriptures and to experience more of God’s presence. We long for them to develop an intimate relationship with the Lord, gain a passion for His Word and receive all that He has for them. We want them to feel safe, secure, protected, and full of life!

Children’s Outreach

We look forward to seeing children ministering in Jesus’ name and sharing the love of the Father with everyone they meet. We impart our passion for reaching the lost to our children and provide many opportunities to minister to the broken alongside adults in the ministry.

Adventures with the King

Children are raised up in an environment where knowing and loving the King of Kings is an outrageous, fun, and amazing adventure. Summer camping weekends, Vacation Bible School, and expressing love to the Lord through learning dance, art, worship, and drama are just a few of the things experienced on their wild ride with Jesus!


In everything we do, we long to see Holy Spirit pour Himself into these young people and set them on fire for a life of passion and intimacy with the King. To this end, fall and winter retreats are offered for these young people to intentionally set aside time to enjoy and seek after the Presence of God, grow in the understanding of living a supernatural lifestyle, and to connect and felowship with other lovers of the King.