Lepers Testify to Healing
Like little children showing off something new, the lepers eagerly came to the front to show how Jesus has been healing them. The leader of the colony was one of the first to come forward and show our team that the sores on his hands had dried up suddenly after our first visit. Then, the woman with the broken ankle stood up and shared that the pain in her ankle was still totally gone! Another man rose to his feet and declared that the pain in his chest was gone. Yet another man thanked the Lord that the pain in his knee was gone. One of the men with oozing sores on his toe and ankle confirmed that the wound had dried up since the prayers. A woman with a large seeping wound on her inner thigh shared that the seeping had stopped. Another woman testified that the pain in her right knee was gone. Lord, thank You for touching these beautiful people and thank You for Your faithfulness in completing their healings by restoring their missing fingers and toes.