Kingdom Bible School for Pastors and leaders
The jealous love of the Lord is being poured out over the people of Sawla in Northern Ghana. Frontline Kingdom Bible School has begun its second year of teaching and equipping pastors and leaders. People are gathering from villages all around to hear of God’s great plan for their lives. With over 100 people attending, the school has doubled from the previous year and more are joining every day. We have seen God’s love lavished upon the students as the receive during times of impartation, teaching, and soaking. Students are having amazing experiences as they share about receiving supernatural peace, great love, and even gold dust appearing on their hands. They are being set free as God delivers them from different forms of bondage. He truly has come to set the captives free!
The Lord has creatively expressed his love through drama, dance, worship, prophecy, and some very entertaining Scripture reenactments. We are excited as God continues to reveal what He has in store for the Sawla region.