Kickoff in Moz

Our first few days in Mozambique have been slow in getting going, with many details to work out for the next 2 1/2 weeks and many things to tend to before leaving in Maputo. As such, we have been enjoying our time at Iris’ Zimpeto children’s centre, resting a bit and preparing our hearts for what God has in store for us in different parts of the country. We had our first crusade last night, trying out our new generator and light system (requiring a bit of field repair– thanks to my Leatherman), and saw God again to an amazing work among a hungry crowd, with salvations and healings throughout.

We are currently packing up and ready to hit the road, heading straight up to Beira for a conference, then continuing back toward Maputo, stopping at villages and churches along the way. Thank you for your prayers as we embark on this wonderful journey.