Healings Galore!
Our small, yet mighty, team split up on Sunday to go minister at two
different churches. Pastor Mary Pat and Michelle traveled to Shalom
International Fellowship – a church that meets on the top level of a
local shopping mall. We connected instantly with the various pastors
and congregation (the head pastor is currently in Israel), and enjoyed
a sweet time of worship together. As we all sang “Magesty, Worship
His Magesty,” Pastor Mary Pat, in the Spirit, saw angels at the back
of the church breathing on the people there. Pastor Mary Pat then
preached about living under an open Heaven and having a solid
relationship with Holy Spirit. At the conclusion of the message, a
number of individuals come forward to receive prayer, but Pastor Mary Pat
also ended up going out to those still in their seats and delivering
encouraging prophetic words to each and every person in the
congregation! Many wept as they heard specific words coming from
Father God’s heart pertaining to their lives.
A number of healing miracles followed. One boy came forward with his
father wanting prayer for his eyesight. He wore glasses, and had
difficulty reading anything without them. After prayer, he wanted to
try to read small type on a brochure without his glasses. To
everyone’s amazement, he could read even the smallest print! Another
woman testified that after receiving prayer, the severe pain in her
abdomen completely left. Another young boy came forward in a
wheelchair. Stricken with spina bifida, he walked slowly, with a
severe limp. After receiving the laying on of hands, he testified
that he felt power move throughout his body like he had never felt
before. He got up out of his wheelchair and walked accross the room –
still with a limp, but he was encouraged to keep standing for the
completion of his healing. His family left encouraged that morning!
Another gentleman was healed of severe knee pain, testifying that the
pain left instantly! Thank you Jesus!
We look forward to future adventures with this wonderful church, and
thank God for moving in such a powerful way.