Ghana 2015: Wednesday, November 11th
Having learned much from yesterday’s “soaking” session, Kingdom Bible School attendees started the day spending time in God’s presence while listening to Frontline’s newest worship CD, “Live at Relentless Pursuit.” Fifteen people proclaimed visions and pictures of heaven, open fields, healings, flowing water, resurrection, and seeing Jesus face to face. God is filling the eyes and ears of such a hungry people! Without leaving the church, the team was able to journey through the pages of many Bible stories. Ghanian men, women, and children became Jesus’ original 12 disciples as they witnessed demonstrations of Jesus walking on water, talking to the woman at the well, instructing the rich young ruler, calming the storm, eating with Zacchaeus, healing the woman with bleeding, setting the Canaanite woman’s daughter free, and sharing the Good Samaritan parable. Using whatever props we could find, our team acted out the stories, each ending in the applause of our fully commissioned disciples. There was an especially loud uproar during the Good Samaritan, when a few of our friends took the acting to a new level as Pastor Emmanuel helped to load another pastor onto the back of a young man who was cast as the donkey. While our presentations were filled with laughter from the team and audience alike, we also explained that these are not just true stories; they are accounts we can apply to our lives today. After dinner and exploring our land, we were invited to join a fiery prayer and worship service, where team members imparted the power of trusting in God and the special connection that unifies us as one body under one Spirit. We also had the chance to pray with these passionate intercessors for Pastor Jacob, our ministry contact in India who is currently wrongly imprisoned. The bride of Christ is truly coming together as God is uniting believers across continents!