Friday February 1: Discipleship with the new believers in City of God and spontaneous ministry in the Park!
On Friday morning, we had a time of prayer for individual team members. After this, we had an amazing time of spontaneous worship and we prayed for God’s victory over the City of God. Many of us were on crying out to God on our knees. Pastor Mary Pat, Pastor Bill, and Pastor Dirceu imparted great encouragement to the team in the afternoon.
In the evening, we had a teaching time for new believers and for the children in the City of God. Near 15 teenagers and adults were present in the church for impartation and discipleship for new believers. They were taught about the importance of prayer, studying God’s Word, worship and soaking, and listening to God’s voice. They also learned about the struggle of renewing their minds and always having a “yes” in their hearts towards Jesus. They were exhorted to meet regularly as a discipleship group is being organized and also to meet at the usual church service times. While the adults were meeting in the church building, nearly 25-30 children came to the Worship Center. One child named Paulo drew a nice scene with rocks coming down all over the page during a soaking time. He felt that God said that He was his protector. Another child saw a tabernacle with angels around it.
While driving home, we passed a local park and Holy Spirit impressed on us to do an impromptu outreach in this park to the people there. We performed the heart skit, a dance and our powerful emotions drama. We invited people to receive Jesus, as well as to receive prayer for healing and addictions. Five people received Jesus throughout the night! We also prayed for a man named Yuri who had a brace on his leg. He had broken his tibia in a motorcycle accident and had surgery two days prior. After prayer, all the pain in his leg was gone!