Father’s Heart and Healing Conference
Last year, Frontline hosted a three-day regional “Kingdom Invasion” conference in Jakarta. This year, God opened the door for Frontline to hold three major events, the first being the Father’s Heart and Healing Conference held at I-Hope Church, Jakarta.
The team had the opportunity to impart from the Father’s heart and demonstrate the true power of the Kingdom. People were hungry to receive and excited to see what the Lord wanted to release for such a time as this. Pastor Bill and Pastor Mary Pat both imparted powerful messages about the grace of God and the desire of the Father to set us free from fear in order to experience our true destiny. After a time of prayer for people to experience more freedom and inner healing, the opportunity was given for the people to respond to an invitation to receive healing from the Father.
Numerous healings broke out, including the following exciting testimonies:
– One woman testified that she had 40 years of severe lower back pain in her hips, and that her right leg was shorter than her left. After prayer, she was able to walk quickly across the room, and when she sat down to measure her legs, she excitedly indicated that they were now the same length! Hallelujah!
– Two young men with sprained ankles (one for three months and the other for two years ) were healed instantly. To evidence this, they excitedly ran back and forth across the room for the camera
– A woman was healed of stomach pains that she had suffered for two years
-Another woman who had had problems in her lungs for six years testified that after healing prayer, her chest and breathing felt completely normal
– A man with shoulder pain for three years in his left shoulder was instantly healed
-Another man who had pain and complications in the left side of his body since 2008 was instantly healed and evidenced this by kicking his leg up and doing other things with his body that he was not able to do before
-Another woman testified that she had knee pain whenever she stood up for more than a few minutes at a time. Michelle laid hands and prayed for her after the service. After the prayer, the woman said the pain was decreased, but still there. After laying hands on her a second time, she exclaimed that the pain was completely gone.
Many people stayed for hours after the conference was “officially” over to receive more prayer and impartation from the team. It was a sweet time of experiencing the presence and power of the Lord. Thank You, Jesus, for all the miracles of physical and emotional healing that took place at this amazing conference!