Encounters at FMI Centro de Adoracão

While some of the team went out to minister in the streets, others had an amazing time at the FMI Centro de Adoracão (Worship Center). Pastor Bill, Mike, Joquebedi, and Theresa led the children in a worship and soaking time. The presence of the Lord was very powerful in the room. Pastor Bill sang “The Enemy is Done,” facing the window so the sound would be released into the atmosphere for all to hear. Women and children were dancing to it in the streets! Mike felt wave after wave of God’s anointing rise as the children encountered the Lord in visions and pictures. One girl saw a vision of Jesus. Janiel saw wings surround him and then encompass everyone else in the room. He also said he felt a strong anointing. Another girl felt God’s weighty love moving throughout her heart. Everyone present praised God for this beautiful outpouring of His love!