Door to Door Ministry – FMI Brazil Worship Center
Saturday morning we had “team time” where Troy shared a word from Phillipians 2 about regarding others as more important than ourselves and being humble as Christ was. After a powerful time of acapella worship, we were joined by Jo, a young woman from São Paulo who met us a few years ago and has traveled on mission trips to Mozambique with Frontline.
The team headed out into the Heliopolis favela in groups to minister door to door and invite local children to our children’s program at Casa de Jesus next week. Joe and Christy prayed for one man who worked as a mechanic and stood on his feet all day long and had pain in his legs. After prayer the man said he felt no more pain! Hallelujah!
Some of the ladies prayed and prophesied over a shopkeeper sharing the love of the Father. Troy got to share the Gospel with a man who listened intently and when asked about receiving Jesus responded that he wanted to consider the decision very seriously. God was certainly moving in his heart.
The team then headed to the City of God favela where our new FMI Centro de Adoracao (Frontline Ministries International Worship Center) building has been completed and is ready to be used to train up worshippers. Kaiki from Heliopolis and then Daniel from City of God joined our team for the outreach and were the first ones that Pastor Bill taught how to play his guitar in our new worship center.
The team spent some time worshipping and then started ministering to some of the area folks. A woman who was visibly troubled asked for prayer, but would not give a reason why. As we started to pray for her, Michelle heard prophetically that she was in a bad relationship. After confirming this, we discovered that she was a non-believer. This led to sharing the Gospel with her, and she received salvation! After sharing about steps she can take as a new believer, Bethany, Angie, and Michelle prayed for more of the fire of God for her and she said she felt more peace than before. Hallelujah!