Church Plant #1 – Day 2 The miraculous and saving hand of God rescues those in darkness!
Salvation, after salvation, after salvation! Our second round at the church the following evening had an even greater crowd of souls ready and ripe to make Jesus the lover of their souls. With each person from our team sharing from their hearts, the goodness of the Lord and the abundant life we can experience through the finished work of the cross, the atmosphere became so thick with hunger to know him. In addition to 50 people saying yes to Jesus, healings were also breaking out all over the place. One woman, who had been experiencing severe chest pain for a year, was instantly healed during the prayer. A man suffering from stomach aches and body pain, was instantly healed, along with a young girl and boy who testified they were relieved of headaches. Two people with poor eyesight shared that their vision had improved after prayer as well! He says ask, and you shall receive!