Church As Usual…I Think Not
Joining our dear friends at Menorah Church here in Jakarta is always such a blessing, especially immediately following our “Kingdom Invasion” conference. After worship, Pastor Mary Pat shared an intense word exhorting all to see how our good God works through generational alignment to produce great blessings in our lives and in our churches. She concluded with the truth that Jesus came to remove all lack (curses) from our lives through the finished work on the cross.
Pastor Bill encouraged the people that they, like the early church, can flourish and see revival come even with the very real persecutions present in this predominantly Muslim nation. He encouraged them to keep their light bright by receiving from Holy Spirit, not by their own efforts at becoming spiritual. This happens and is very powerful as we learn to become sons and daughter of our heavenly Father.
As Pastor Bill began to minister through song, Pastor Mary Pat called the people forward to receive the good gifts of the Lord and to repent of any striving involved. People flooded the altar and many were powerfully and visibly touched by the Lord…some were weeping, some were shaking, some were unable to even stand in the Lord’s Presence. People were healed as they worshipped the Lord and the Glory of the Lord was poured out.
At the end, Pastor Bill came down from the stage and shared a vision that he had just received. He saw a cloud of Glory on top of the church building and suddenly this cloud started launching Holy Spirit “missiles” into the church. The missiles were hitting targets located on the hearts of the people who were truly hungry for the Lord’s Glory, tracking them down throughout the building.
Unbeknownst to Pastor Bill, Pastor Mary Pat had a very similar vision that morning. She saw people with targets on their hearts and the enemy had been putting holes in them, but then she saw the Glory of the Lord covering those holes and repairing all that the enemy had done.
Thank You, Lord, for pouring our Your Glory today!