Children’s Centers in Southeat Asia
(Southeast Asia) The apostolic ministry we are working with in Southeast Asia functions as the covering for many different types of ministry, such as rescuing children from prostitution and slave labor through their children’s homes, planting churches among unreached people groups, hosting conferences and gospel crusades, discipling opportunities, ministering in slums, operating low-cost schools for the poor, aiding communities hit by natural catastrophes, and reaching out to the elderly. Since 1996, our contact here has been traveling to remote villages in Southeast Asia to rescue children before and after they are sold into prostitution or slave labor. Due to the severe poverty in many South Asian villages, child trafficking is common and more than 50,000 children a year are trafficked. Currently, they have five children’s homes which take care of 464 orphans and children in need. These children receive love, prayer, a safe place to live, and education that launches them into a new life of hope in Jesus. Our team ministered to 82 of these children during our week in Southern Asia. These children have strong destiny calls on their lives, as they are marked by the Lord to be world changers for His glory. They are being brought up in a Kingdom atmosphere with the Lord’s love, creativity, and guidance undergirding them.
Pastor Bill led anointed worship at each home, singing about and imparting the heart of a Kingdom worshiper. He led the young ones in worship to bring Heaven to earth, as the atmosphere of Heaven invaded. His huge Father’s heart inspired and touched many in both homes. The pure hearts of the children as they sang for us was so evident. We taught them a song with motions as well.
As the week progressed, incredible outbreaks and manifestations of Holy Spirit occurred, including visions, dreams, and healing at both of the local children’s homes in our area. At the boys’ home where 35 boys reside, Pastor Mary Pat spoke about forgiveness, the revelation of having a safe place in the Father’s arms, and living a supernatural life, leading them into a deep encounter with the Lord. Many boys experienced the Lord in deep and new ways and received prophetic words about their lives.
Testimonies of Four Prophetic Encounters and Words:
One young man, having suffered from back pain for two years, testified that he was completely pain free. This same boy saw himself going out as a missionary in the future. The Lord loves to heal our bodies as well as encourage our hearts so that our destinies can unfold.
Another boy received a vivid picture of three people walking on a black road through a dark forest until they disappeared. Immediately after that vision, he saw a second picture of himself riding a white horse on a clear, glass-like road. While he was riding he ran into a mango tree and fell off the horse, but he got back up and continued riding. He was encouraged that the Lord was removing blocks and offenses in his heart, and that he was on the right path of the Lord. Even with a difficult past and challenges in the future, he was being healed, is in God’s hands, and is being strengthened by Him to continue to be an overcomer for future Kingdom purposes.
One saw a tree with small, green leaves and something yellow on it like flowers or fruit. Pastor Mary Pat encouraged him that the Lord sees him as a strong oak of righteousness, with the leaves representing the healing of the nations and bearing the fruit of the Spirit in his life, and signifying that he will be used to bring healing to many in India and beyond.
Still another boy saw his whole body in flames and was encouraged that our God, who is a consuming fire, was doing a purifying work inside of him as the fire of God’s love was saturating and transforming his life. He was being immersed in the fire of the Holy Ghost to be able to take the Gospel to the nations.
The Girl’s Home (a handful of young boys live there as well)
Throughout the week, Kingdom teaching and instruction was given by Pastor Bill and Pastor Mary Pat. As part of that,
the young people were taught to soak before the Lord €“ learning to wait on Him, resting in His presence. This opened up new doors of revelation for the children and a new way to encounter the Lord. Deanne, Troy, Andy, and Amy conveyed the principles of soaking through puppet ministry. The young people received peace, heard from Holy Spirit, and felt the deep, satisfying love of God as they lay before Him. Twelve of the children testified to seeing pictures and visions.
Testimonies of Three Prophetic Encounters and Words:
One girl saw a picture of a cloud with a beautiful flower inside. In the picture, she asked if she could take the flower and as she did it turned into a knife. Led by Holy Spirit, Pastor Mary Pat was quickened to encourage her about the sweet aroma she was to Jesus and that He was equipping her to wield the sword of the Spirit (as mentioned in Hebrews 4:12) in her life as well as the lives of many. He was increasing her realization of His love for her, her love for the Word and her enablement to use His Word to teach and strengthen others.
Another girl physically felt an angel or Jesus touching her as she began to soak. She felt the reality of the Lord’s love through this tangible expression.
Another girl saw tall, dark grass that became light as the sun began to shine. The grass represented many souls who were lost in darkness, but as this girl brings the light of the Gospel to many in the world (in Southeast Asia and elsewhere), the darkness will disappear.
They were so inspired that the next day, the children chose to soak on their own, without music, and six had pictures from Holy Spirit.
Two Testimonies:
One girl saw herself being taken to an unfamiliar village that was surrounded by angels. The Lord will send these little ones out in the future to do the work of the Kingdom, and He is preparing them now.
Another girl saw herself going out from the house and saw a gate open. When the gate opened she saw fire and behind the fire, rain. The gate represented her taking a step toward the Lord and the rain represented the Lord’s presence coming down to fill her up so that she could walk through any fire in her life. Pastor Mary Pat also heard the Scripture from Isaiah 43:2-3 “When you pass through the waters I will be with you, and through the rivers they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire you shall not be burned. Nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.”