Brazil – Tuesday, January 30
With hearts prepared and doors wide open, we welcomed the children from Heliopolis inside the sanctuary for the first day of our children’s bible program. Similar to our Summer Celebration for our youth back home, this week children will learn more about Jesus through a message, soaking and a craft. Today’s theme is Jesus as our Savior and Lord. Stephanie and Jordan taught about the life, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
They explained what obedience to our Lord looks like when following Him. Several of the children played His disciples in a short drama depicting Peter and Andrew being called to be fishers of men. At the craft station, the children decorated paper soccer balls with the events of man, including creation, sin, the cross, growth and unification of the body of Christ. At the soaking station, the team taught the children how a sponge soaks up water when fully immersed, just as we can be filled with the Spirit of God when we rest in His presence. Multiple children received visions of Jesus and experienced His peace and loving embrace. At the end of the lesson, 4 children prayed to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior, including Haylla’s younger brother, Ray! In the afternoon we did the same program at the City of God where we had an additional 2 salvations, glória a Deus! We finished off the day with a time of impartation from Pastor Dirceu from the book of Revelations. One of the verses God has highlighted to him for 2018 is in chapter 3 about God’s elect being the key of David and that the door God opens cannot be shut. It was a very encouraging word knowing that 6 children opened their hearts to accept Jesus today.