Brazil – Tuesday, January 23
Today we had the wonderful opportunity to start the day by meeting the people in Heliópolis. We broke up in three groups which included our friends from the mission school who have been staying with us. Armed with flyers about Casa de Jesus, and hearts open for whatever Holy Spirit had in mind, each group took a different alleyway to see who they would come across. When we met together after lunch, there were many testimonies of healed hearts, and bodies! Even 12 year old Haylla had a chance to pray for a woman named Francesca, and see her healed! After lunch as the dance team practiced, two more groups headed back out to the community to meet and minister to the people. Unfortunately, this time was met with a some heavy rain which caused us to come back to the church. But in spite of the weather, one of the groups still had the privilege to meet Bruna and take time to pray with her.
In the evening we had the huge blessing of attending Assembleia de Deus which is the church of our dear friends, Joquebedi and her brother Melquisedeque. The dance team’s diligent practice time paid off as they worshipped the Lord with the dance called Fresh. The team then did the drama called Emotions, which showed the delivering power of Jesus! Pastor Mary Pat gave a heartfelt and bold word about true, intimate relationship with Jesus. She used the passage from Luke chapter 10 that talks about Mary and Martha and what Jesus said true intimacy looks like. She also spoke again of Mary in Luke chapter 11, who wiped the feet of Jesus with expensive perfume, despite the reactions and distractions of the ones around her!
As Pastor Bill played on his guitar and sang Show Us Your Glory, and My Deliverer, Pastor Mary Pat led a prayer and a charge to stand and lift our hands to heaven and declare to Jesus who He is and ask Him to remove any hindrances or distractions from us! After a time of fellowship and a delicious snack provided by the church, we headed home to sleep. When most of the team were asleep, Cheri and Tiana stayed upstairs with the contacts from the Bible School. They wanted to hear Cheri’s testimony. So with the help of two of the students who spoke a little English, and Tiana translating what she could, the contacts were touched by Cheri’s testimony about the redemptive power of God in her life!