Brazil – Sunday, January 28
Sundays are always a joyous day on the mission field, especially when today is Pastor Dirceu’s birthday! The team dressed in their finest attire to attend Casa de Jesus, Heliopolis. As we headed downstairs, the sound of worship grew stronger with each step. Although seats were saved for our team, the room was filled beyond capacity! The worship songs were in Portuguese but their English versions are well known to our team. As we sung out, the two languages melted into one offering of praise to the Lord. The message started as Pastor Dirceu spoke of the value of being a clean and willing vessel for God’s purposes and presence. Individual team members were invited on stage to describe many revelations and testimonies God has been revealing this week. Several people came forward at the close of the meeting to receive prayer from our team.
The rest of the day can best be characterized as a time of prayer and preparation. We prayed for Gabriel and Sirlene, who are two missionaries that have been staying with us. Their send-off is bittersweet but we know their work will continue as they return home in northern Brazil. Being fully aware of the need and power of intercession, we entered into a time of prayer and worship that lasted nearly 2 hours. Protection and provision for our families, church leaders, Brazil, and this week’s children Bible school were some of the many areas covered. Thank you for continuing to pray for us as we continue to pray for you! This evening we gathered to hammer out many details of the children’s Bible school, which starts Tuesday! Tune back in for more updates as the team teaches about Jesus as our: Lord and Savior (Tuesday), Healer (Wednesday), Provider (Thursday) and Revealer (Friday)!