Brazil – Saturday, February 3
Sao Paulo is home to many communities and enterprises. Today, the team gathered early to head downtown to the Christian marketplace. Within the span of a few city blocks, several dozen shops, stores and street stands are almost exclusively dedicated to the selling of Christian apparel and accessories. At many of the locations, a portion of the proceeds benefit local churches and missionaries. We were able to bless many of these establishments. We also had an opportunity to pray for our taxi driver. Tears welled up in his eyes as he thanked us for our encouraging words of truth. We returned to Heliopolis for lunch where Ines expressed how God has been working in City of God these past several years. God’s vision is being fulfilled before our very eyes! With our Brazilian Frontline Worship Team, a new generation of worship leaders is being raised up from the places that need Jesus most. She shared that our time here helps to fan the flame they will continue to carry throughout Sao Paulo and beyond! With a more comprehensive understanding of God’s vision, we embarked for our last outreach in City of God this evening. Approximately 50 people gathered between Casa de Jesus and Frontline Centro de adoraçao to watch our dances, dramas and testimonials. Theresa and Jordan each shared how God has worked mightily in their lives. Stephanie gave an impassioned call for salvation to which 4 people accepted to receive Jesus. The team passed out ice cream and Heart of the Father letters throughout the community.