Absolute Holy Spirit Outpouring Among the Frontline Children
We got to spend all day Wednesday and Thursday with our precious Frontline children, teaching them about growing in their relationship with God and providing opportunities for them to encounter Him. We talked about the importance and impact of forgiveness, which the children later acted out in a skit they created. We discussed how reading the Bible every day can help to build them up, to overcome hardships, and to increase their knowledge of who God is and how He sees them. We shared about the Glory of God and each child closed their eyes and asked God to show them a picture that depicts His glory. They drew and colored the pictures God gave them, which we are going to have printed on a banner to hang in Pastor Deva’s church! We also imparted about the Holy Spirit, how we can hear His voice, and the good gifts He gives.
Thursday night, we talked more about the Holy Spirit and shared testimonies of being filled with His power! Ashok, one of the young men that received the gift of tongues earlier in the trip, shared his testimony of what God had done for Him. We asked the rest of the children if they wanted to receive this special gift, and every hand went up! We began praying for each child and asked God to fill them with His Spirit. The outpouring that followed was unlike anything we’ve seen before. Every child began to pray in tongues, and tears were shed as God deeply touched their hearts. For an hour and a half the children remained in the presence of God, completely caught up in encounters with Him. Many shared that they saw visions of heaven, tangibly felt God’s presence, and experienced Him in a new way. We could not have asked for a better way to spend our last night in Rajahmundry. When the night was over, it was hard to say goodbye, but we know that God will continue to do great and mighty things in and through these treasured children!