Sunday Morning, Feb. 2, 2020- Brazil
Sunday Morning part of the team went to Familia Communidade Evangelica in the area call Diadema. Pastor Manuel has had it on his heart to start a mission base for a long time, and this Sunday he was speaking about how the church will become a mission base soon. Pastor Bill gave a riveting message as an extra encouragement for the new mission base. He spoke on the importance of knowing that when we know Jesus, we house Holy Spirit inside of us, and Holy Spirit is who empowers us to go. If we just go by what our soul is saying, and our soul is not in alignment with Holy Spirit, we can be deceived and miss what God is doing. But knowing and coming into alignment with Holy Spirit, we can have supernatural health, joy, peace and we can truly be ambassadors for the Kingdom. Pastor Bill prayed over the church for the empowerment to go and also for healing as the team went around and laid hands on the people. He sang “The enemy is Done” and as the rest of the congregation caught on they joined with him. The service ended after Pastor Bill sang “The Father’s Song”.
Pastor Mary Pat’s group went to Comunidade de Graça of Socorro where she preached out of Matthew 9:17 about getting rid of old wineskins so that we can receive the new wine from God. She shared about how the Lord wants us to receive Him continually so that we are flowing with Him. This prevents us from getting watered down by the enemy and having religious mindsets. She read out of Matthew 9:27-31 and spoke about how God wanted to open the eyes of the blind men physically and spiritually. He wants to open our eyes spiritually as well. In verse 36, Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom. She also shared out of Luke 17:11-19 about how one of the lepers, a Samaritan, came back to give Him glory. The ones who are hungry and thirsty for God will also thank Him, praise Him and give Him glory. At the end, she prayed for the people in the congregation and God’s presence was very strong. Many people were greatly touched by God. One man testified about how he was healed foot pain. Another lady testified that she had been waiting for some time to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and she received that during the prayer. Cynthia prayed for a lady during service. She had a sense this lady had issues in her back. At the end she was completely better. She had pain for about 5 years.
A lady came in with her son and she was feeling sick. However, when PMP was praying for the church body, she said she no longer felt sick.