Sunday, January 26th, 2020- Brazil
Sunday morning we worshiped with our Brazilian church family at Casa de Jesus. Pastor Mary Pat gave a powerful message out of John 7:37-39, about staying thirsty for His Living Water by receiving and walking in the Lord’s supernatural love. She also spoke on the account in Luke chapter 14 about the wedding feast and the importance of the presence of Jesus being our first priority in life. Many were deeply impacted by this word and as Pastor Mary Pat prayed over the congregation they received more of the fiery Love of Jesus.
As the adults were having service, part of the team had the blessing of teaching the children out of Luke 14 as well. Through the use of drama, they were able to demonstrate how important it is to stay connected to the King.
Sunday evening the team split up for ministry at two different churches. Pastor Bill, Audrey and Amanda went to Comunidade Cristã Para Todos os Povos. Pastor Bill preached about how Jesus is our Living Water, the dunamis power of God and how God is a good Father. At the end, he prayed for people to have more of Holy Spirit and to be baptized in Holy Spirit as well.
The rest of the team returned to Redimidos with Pastor Jades and his wife Pastor Monica. Pastor Mary Pat preached about being co-crucified, co-buried, and co-raised with Jesus. She also shared out of Matthew 22 and how the Lord is wanting us to receive His invitation for more. At the end, people were invited to come to the front to receive prayer. Holy Spirit broke out and many people received more of the fire of God.