From Suicide to Salvation in 30 minutes

I was heading to the office to end my shift then head off to church when we get a call about a man trying to kill himself. The call wasn’t even in my area and I shouldn’t have been dispatched to it, but I was and I went alone. I arrived on scene and talked to a very distraught guy. He said he was trying to change his life, but everybody was ripping on him and he couldn’t handle it any more and wanted to die. He had been in trouble most of his life and been smoking crack for 7 years. I talked him into going to the hospital and talk to a counselor. On the way I drove real slow and talked to him about the Lord. He had been to church, but never except Christ. I asked if he wanted to and he said God would never take him because of his life. I explained how Jesus died for all of us 2000 years ago because he loved us and he doesn’t see our sin any more because it is covered with the blood. I explained how
 God wanted to free him from his addiction and heal him of his hurts and pains. I explained how God wanted to fill him with love and take care of him. I asked if he wanted to except Christ and be freed from his past and onto to a new life with him. He said yes. I then lead him to the Lord as he wept. Then I went into spiritual battle prayer over his life.
        I took him to the hospital and helped him inside and stayed with him a little bit. As I left the hospital I told him I would get ahold of a local pastor and have him look the guy up and encourage him. The guy said wait, give him my number and have him call me.
     Thirty minutes prior this guy was shaking and crying wanting to die. Now he was calm and still with hope in his eyes. Only our loving savior can do that.
     I encourage you all to look at every situation as an opportunity to tell someone about the love of Jesus. What started out as a bad time turned out to be an in creditably blessing for me and a life changing  experience for him.
    I pray that all he reads this will be edified and receive new fire and boldness to spread the gospel. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
