One awesome thing happened last night at our drama site. There was a 20 year-old man named Vincent who was passing by and decided to watch our drama. When Pastor Bill was calling them to respond to give Jesus their whole life, I could see on his face the battle waging in his heart. It was so clear. I felt led to go and ask him to come forward but by the time I got there, he had already responded. Vincent then asked me if God would really forgive him, because that morning, he told me that he had done something very bad. I listened and shared God’s love with him, he confessed and told me this story:
Vincent had been thrown out of where he was staying two days ago, had no food, and out of desperation stole an electric drill from a friend of his and sold it for money. He was feeling so much shame for this and as he walked past our drama site he said something told him to stop and to listen. He then said he felt like he was pushed forward to receive Christ even though no one was around Him.
Vincent then asked me what to do. I said “You have to go and make it right with the man and trust God”. Vincent was scared, afraid that he might go to jail. I shared with him that his life is God’s hands now, and not his any more. This encouraged him and I was amazed at his sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as he agreed to go and make it right. I prayed for him and we parted ways with plans to meet up the next day at the church where we were ministering.
Today after doing some outreach he was there and was very excited!!! He relayed to me his story. He was afraid after he left the drama site, but decided to go ahead and make it right with the man. The man was very upset and locked him in a room in the house and called the police. The phone did not work so he took Vincent to the police station where they were going to make a report. As the police officer heard the story, his response was “Forgive him, he has came back and confessed”, so the charge was dropped. It was agreed that Vincent would pay back the money for the drill. But then, this morning, the man’s daughter was playing by the fire and very huge pot of boiling water. She slipped and almost fell into it, but Vincent reached down and saved her. The girl ran and told her father, and he told Vincent to forget the money and that everything was okay between them!!!! WOW! God is awesome. Vincent came today to the drama site… he interpreted for Troy a little during the ministry time, and was sharing his testimony with others!